David Balshaw

Awareness is the greatest agent for change

Eckhart Tolle said “Awareness is the greatest agent for change”.

What you can’t see keeps you trapped.

We often get trapped in a box based on our interpretations, expectations and models of reality.

In truth though, you are never really stuck. You just think you are. If you think you are stuck, this shows a lack of creativity and awareness. If you had the ability to look from a higher perspective, you would be able to see the box that you were trapped in.

To get out of the box you need to shift your thinking, your perspective and see the world, and your situation or circumstances from a different lens.

Then you can change.

This is where awareness is vital. Awareness of your stories and your past life situations and how they affect your feelings, emotions and actions in the moment is critical.

Awareness is all about restoring your freedom to choose what you want instead of what your past imposes on you.

Please, reflect on that last statement. It’s about choice.

As we move through our transformational journey, sometimes things are so simple we miss them, yet often they are so important.

Our mind is our most powerful tool. As William James is quoted, “Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”

You might think I’m giving you some arms in the air motivational content, but it’s not. It’s deeper and more important than that.

Everyone is born with a blank slate, yet the experiences and stories we carry through to adulthood shape our lives into the paradigms and models of reality we have.

When we have awareness of this truth, we can literally change our minds to change our external reality.

Everything in your life is a result of your choices and habits of thinking, feeling, acting and speaking.

If you can come to know that you are where you are not because of who you are, but because of who you think you are… that is a powerful place to start your transformation.

Becoming aware is part of the waking up process… of raising your consciousness, to see that you are more than just a human being living in the 3D world.

So, what are the benefits of awareness?

Awareness frees us from our assumptions and biases
It helps us build better relationships
Decreases stress
Makes us happier and
Gives us greater ability to regulate our emotions.

and how can you raise your level of awareness?

Go inward to become aware of what you are not seeing. Ask yourself regularly what am I not seeing that I need to become aware of?

Remember, your level of awareness is always evolving, and just because you weren’t aware of something doesn’t mean you;re a bad person or somehow you’re flawed. The reality is we are all flawed, that is part of what makes us human. The only thing it means is that you weren’t aware of something. Don’t make it mean anything other than that.

My final word for now is to use your awareness to shift your attention to what you want to change and create. Then focus on that…

I’d love to explore working with you.