David Balshaw

Why we need a new era of leadership

We have a leadership crisis in the world today.

Leadership still remains the no.1 talent issue facing organisations around the world.

According to the Deloitte Human Capital Survey, companies frequently say they want to strengthen their leadership pipeline yet research shows that corporate leadership capabilities are dropping.

It’s not just corporate leadership capabilities that are on a downward trend.

War, political turbulence, organisational dysfunction, company and financial fraud, family violence, gun control, climate change and pollution. Look around and you’ll see that we need a fundamental shift in the way our families, businesses, communities, countries and the planet as a whole are led.

Global consciousness is awakening, yet the economic, cultural and environmental landscape remains at a tipping point.

The world is evolving yet people are stuck in 20th century leadership models.

With traditional management structures still dominating organisations today, there are lots of managers, yet too few leaders and most of those are following outdated models of leadership which rely on linear thinking and hierarchical structures.

Your results are ultimately a manifestation of your thinking. Most of our leadership models have been developed from thinking that is 300 years old. The majority of our current paradigms are based on a Newtonian world view.

Newtonian science showed us that for every action there was an equal and opposite reaction. From this there was structure, there was order… until there wasn’t.

Businesses and organisations that want to thrive into the future require new thinking, new actions and new behaviours, individually and collectively.

“Businesses and organisations that want to thrive into the future require new thinking, new actions, and new behaviours, individually and collectively.”

Leadership is a choice, not a rank. 

Even though we are starting to see a trend in people awakening to their potential and their purpose, the majority of people are still trapped in a box based on these old paradigms, beliefs and stories about how the world works or ‘should work’.

The problem is that they’re unaware that they’re trapped in a box, because they can’t see outside the box that they’re in. They must learn to ask fundamentally new questions, to bring themselves to a place where the very categories of thought and vision are different.

Within these old paradigms, people think about organisations as machines, yet the environment in which organisations operate (social, economic) and the people that serve as the foundation of the organisation itself are anything but machines. They are complex, unpredictable, uncertain and full of infinite possibilities. They are also, ultimately connected.

Emerging science is demonstrating that everything is interconnected and interdependent. Something ancient wisdom has known for millennia.

We are now reaching a unique point in history where science and spirituality are coming together. 

People are becoming more and more in tune with their human self on all three levels. The mental, the emotional and the spiritual – that deep layer of the self from which we are in touch with questions of meaning and value.

Since organisations organise human beings, they also have mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. Everything is interconnected.

Quantum science proves that our thoughts influence reality and the shift from Newtonian thinking to quantum thinking is never more necessary than in our leadership.

Leadership needs to be looked at from a quantum science perspective. Quantum science shows that we live in a participative universe, where conscious observers make reality happen and that we are responsible for our own actions and for the world itself.

A new era of  leadership requires new thinking, new acting and a new way of being. We need a paradigm shift in personal and business leadership.

A new era of leadership is required to lead people through chaos and into clarity.

A new era of leadership is required to lead people through chaos and into clarity.

We require leaders who are self aware, who can connect with and develop other leaders, who see that in each and every moment there are infinite possibilities and that we are all intricately connected to each other, our community and the planet.

Leadership in the new world is beyond external tags and titles. Leaders in this new era need to model the behaviour they seek, help build their people, design work that taps into potential and lead through influence, not authority.

They must have a deep sense of the interconnectedness of life and its enterprises. They must have a sense of engagement and responsibility and they must be aware that all human endeavour, including business, is part of the larger and richer fabric of the whole universe.

This is the Quantum Leader.

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