David Balshaw

Ep7: What other people think of you is none of your business

Marcus Aurelius said “The happiness of your life, depends on the quality of your thoughts.”

How often do you let the thoughts and opinions of others influence your actions?

Everyone’s opinions and thoughts about you are based entirely on their past experience and model of the world. What other people do is just a projection of their reality, it has nothing to do with you.

If you go around believing what other people think of you, or what you think other people think of you, you won’t show up authentically and the people who need your product or service will not be blessed with the gift you have to share with the world.

Listen in to this episode to hear more about why it’s important to filter out the noise from others and your inner critic and tune in to your inner wisdom so you can show up authentically and become the Impactful CEO in your life and business.

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