David Balshaw

Ep1: Welcome to Align Your Business

Welcome to episode 1 of the Align Your Business Podcast.

I’m David Balshaw, Alignment Coach, Life Strategist and Habit Change Practitioner, here to guide you to bring more of your authentic self to your business.

It’s my purpose to use this podcast as a platform to share my perspective, my insights, my journey, my aha and my oh shit moments as well as what I’ve experienced through my own journey of personal development and business strategy.

What I’ve learned through my own experience and what I’ve witnessed through my connections with other heart centred entrepreneurs and business leaders is that when you get really clear on your purpose, and you bring more of your true self into your business and you serve others with an open heart then things will open up for you in ways that you didn’t think were possible.

I’m going to show you that it’s not about more DOING or DOING more, more marketing, more strategy, more tactics but that rather than doing more, it’s about BEING more. More grounded, more present, more loving, more authentic and even more vulnerable because  bringing more of your authentic self into your business leads to a business that is designed, aligned and helps you to shine your unique light in this world and helps you to make the impact that you know you want to make.

We live in a society where people are afraid to be judged, where people are scared of making the wrong decision, worried about how they will be perceived by other people and too concerned by other people’s opinions and actions to really embrace the gift they’ve been given.   They carry on year after year, wishing and hoping that things would be different instead of stepping out of their comfort zone and owning their uniqueness so they can live with more freedom, more joy and more fulfilment.

I’m going to draw on my knowledge of transformational psychology,  ancient wisdom and  peak performance strategies to help you master your mindset, shift your thinking, change your habits and grow your business, simply by being you.

I’m here to challenge you to see your life differently, both NOW and in the future.  I’m here to guide you to find your inner voice, to find your spark and to follow that light,  however dim or bright it is, so that you can show up authentically and confidently for yourself and for those you serve.

This podcast is designed to help you step into your true power as a heart centred leader, to own your path that led you to where you are right now and to fearlessly create the story for where you want to go… so if you are or desire to be a leader, teacher,  guide, coach or healer, then stay tuned because this podcast is for you.

I’m glad you’re here!


I help business owners enhance leadership capabilities, attract top talent and build and enjoyable and productive workplace culture.

I’d love to explore working with you.