David Balshaw

Without vision we succumb to average

Do you have vision?

Vision is often talked about but people pay it little attention. Why?

Because they don’t have any vision. Because deep down they’ve been conditioned to believe they can’t have what they want in life.

Societal conditioning breeds self limiting beliefs and people end up living for others, hoping they can find joy and fulfilment in other people.

The problem with this is that other people can’t actually do that work for us. Other people can’t actually make us happy.

So people get stuck. Believing that they are at the effect of others and their circumstances.

Not willing to look inward and believe in themselves and their own ability to achieve anything and everything they desire.

Why do people do this?

There can be a lot of reasons, but for a lot of people it’s because it’s uncomfortable to do the growing and stretching required to have and become more.

If you’re like most people you’ll be able to recognise some of your behaviour in that last point.

Because it’s uncomfortable to do the growing and stretching required to have and become more…

The question I have for you is … uncomfortable compared to what? Another year wishing and hoping things would be different…

Do you have a clear picture in your mind of what you want your life to look like? 1 year, 5 years, 10 years from now?

If not, what is it going to cost you if you don’t have any vision?

Einstein said, “What you see on the screen of your mind is a preview of life’s coming attractions.”

Will you be happy being average? Will you be happy knowing you could have had what you want, if you had taken some time to get quiet, look inward and ask yourself, “what do I really want?”.
Here’s an easy way to start.

Ask yourself “if time, money or energy were no barrier, who would I be, how would I feel and what would I do”?

Because here’s what I know from experience.

When you are clear on what you want, and you believe you can have it, time, money and energy are no barrier.

Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but by what your mind can imagine. Ellison Onizuka (the first asian-american astronaut)

I’d love to explore working with you.