David Balshaw

What makes a Quantum Leader

We are entering a world where global consciousness is awakening, where people are looking for a greater sense of meaning and connection.

Traditional leadership models do not provide the framework required to lead people through this time of change. These Newtonian leadership frameworks are founded on linear thinking, hierarchical structures, rigid top down controls, imposed plans and solutions, and an over-obsession with efficiency.

What’s required in this new era is a paradigm shift in business and personal leadership to lead people into and through this time of awakening and self awareness.

More recently the systems thinking approach was developed and applied to leadership. This approach sees the organisation as an entire system with many parts that make up the whole. Each part requires focus and attention and all parts are interdependent and cyclically linked.

Systems thinking added a new dimension that in some way matches the new world which is  characterised by increasing complexity, volatility, uncertainty and ambiguity. Whilst systems thinking is a better way to manage complexity and change, it is only one of the many parts of the Quantum Leadership Model.

Leadership that thrives in this new age requires leaders who are not only systems thinkers, but who are able to understand the world through a broader context of quantum science.

In the first edition of The Quantum Leader I introduced the idea that leadership needs to be viewed from a quantum science perspective since quantum science is demonstrating that we live in a participative universe, where conscious observers make reality happen and that we are responsible for our own actions and how we see the world itself.

So, if we need to apply a lens of quantum science to understand how true leadership can find its place in this rapidly evolving world, this begs the question, what is a quantum leader and how do the attributes of this new era leader help to lead others through change and into the future?

Since one of the foundations of quantum science is essentially that everything is energy, and that in each moment there exists infinite potentiality, let’s look at the quantum leader from the same perspective.

A quantum leader is a person with awareness of the infinite potential existing in each moment and being a co-creator in each and every moment of reality and as such is able to co-create it and influence it continuously. Through ideas, mental states, beliefs and goals.

A quantum leader is a person with awareness of the infinite potential existing in each moment and being a co-creator in each and every moment of reality.

Here are some of the attributes that quantum leaders demonstrate or work towards mastering.

Self awareness

Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don’t align with your internal standards. If you’re highly self-aware, you can objectively evaluate yourself, manage your emotions, align your behaviour with your values, and understand correctly how others perceive you. Quantum leaders have a high level of self awareness.


Authenticity is the degree to which a person’s actions are congruent with his or her values and desires, despite external pressures to social and cultural conformity. Quantum leaders not only stay true to themselves and their mission, but lead others to remain authentic along the way.

Vision and value led

Quantum leaders are motivated not by external or materialistic factors but by an inner direction. They act from principles, deep beliefs and live accordingly, guided by a vision for the future which both sustains themselves and helps the whole to experience evolutionary growth.

Personal empowerment

Personal empowerment is about taking control of your own life, and making positive decisions based on what you want. It’s closely linked to attributes like self-esteem and self-confidence, but true empowerment comes when you convert intention into action. The best way quantum leaders remain empowered is to stay true to their cause, driven by purpose and value.

Empower others to live their soul mission

Not only are quantum leaders empowered, they empower others to align themselves with their purpose and connect intention with action. When we spend too much time in our minds and bodies, we forget to nurture our soul. The quantum leader recognises that every human being has divine power within them and is capable and comfortable in guiding and empowering others to recognise the truth within themselves and allowing them to activate that and then create services or products that they can share with others.

The quantum leader recognises that every human being has divine power within them and is capable and comfortable in guiding and empowering others to recognise the truth within themselves.

Embraces change, chaos and complexity

Quantum leaders thrive at the edge of chaos and embrace the potential outcomes of uncertainty. They understand that increasing complexity and rapid transformation are related to dynamic and unstable processes. They inspire others to not only survive but to thrive during periods of change and uncertainty. Creative disorder brings out valuable opportunities for improving performance, learning, adapting, and innovating. Quantum leaders cultivate agility and the ability to adjust quickly to changing situations, push the edges of boundaries, and reinvent the rules.

Systems thinking

Systems thinking is a way of making sense of the complexity of the world by looking at it in terms of wholes and relationships rather than by splitting it down into its parts. Just like you can only understand the system of a rainstorm by looking at the whole, not any individual part of the system, businesses, organisations and other human endeavours are also systems and as such are tethered by invisible mechanisms of interconnected actions. The quantum leader sees and understands this.


Confidence is an essential part  of leadership and quantum leaders are confident in themselves and their ability to lead their team, their organisation and themselves toward their vision and goals. Quantum leaders recognise that they are no greater or lesser than other parts of the whole, they are confident in what they know and don’t know and are unafraid to ask for help because they draw on others talents without feeling threatened.

Quantum leaders recognise that they are no greater or lesser than other parts of the whole, they are confident in what they know and don’t know and are unafraid to ask for help.

Building community

Quantum leaders understand the power of community and connectedness, that the sum of all parts doesn’t equal the whole. This means they actively develop strong personal relationships, work collaboratively and they value and operate with diversity.  Mentoring, team building and empowering others is high on their list of priorities.

Building connection

The quantum leader recognises that people seek connection and schedules in quality time for conscious communication. They help build relationships within teams and across teams as a role model for others. They show up and speak for their teams taking responsibility for themselves and their decisions which builds trust and connection.

Master of their time and energy

Quantum leaders understand that they are 100% responsible for their choices, actions and behaviours and they have a high level of personal power which enables them to set clear boundaries around their time and energy. Quantum leaders are highly in tune with their individual patterns of energy and productivity and work within these boundaries and patterns to ensure they get the most out of themselves and their talents.

High level of personal clarity

A leader with clarity of vision, thought and action is much better prepared for the business of the new era, and quantum leaders have a high level of personal clarity. This gives these leaders a strong sense of direction when dealing with tough choices and difficult circumstances.

Commitment to making an impact

We are now entering a new era in business where organisations are shifting from the focus on triple bottom line activities, and moving to conscious decision making. Quantum leaders recognise the power of business as a force for good. Leaders of the new era are embracing the 4 Ps (People, Purpose, Profit, Planet) and looking to guide their organisations and teams along the way to ensure there is individual and collective impact that benefits the whole.

Role model of what’s possible

One of the key attributes of a quantum leader is the acceptance and recognition that they are a role model to those whom they lead. They understand that not only is part of their mission to guide the evolution of their organisation but they play a major role in leading future quantum leaders and ensuring that the master copy is worth duplicating.

Growth mindset

Quantum leaders maintain a growth mindset, knowing that through experience comes wisdom and opportunity and they are always on the lookout for ways to improve themselves because they know that self development is better than self sacrifice and that each day is a new day to learn something new and grow wiser.


The quantum leader has a sense of being part of something bigger than themselves, that there is no such thing as a perfect person and that others know things and no one person can ever know it all. Being willing to trust others and not always having to be the boss, quantum leaders are always alert to the ignorance in their own mind and the bias of ego in decisions and action.

Becoming a quantum leader is a choice which is naturally born out of a sense of connectedness to other human beings, all other living things and our place in the universe. It requires development from the inside out, but a choice once made, will have ripple effects throughout the world we live in.

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