David Balshaw

Success is like compound interest

A Powerful Force.

I encourage you to be kind to yourself in the pursuit of your goals. It is critical to remind you that change is hard and that resistance to change is a powerful force that can prevent us from achieving our dreams. I also urge you to break out of the cycle of failure by building the discipline and self-awareness to get back on track when things are not going as well as planned.

The Buddha talked about this 2500 years ago.

“Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good.”

Success is like compound interest.
Every little action consistently applied will bring greater returns the earlier you start and the longer you continue.

Keep a record of those little actions each day because it builds your power. When you reflect each week on the actions you’ve taken towards your goals you will feel empowered and you can see progress.

If you apply the right tools and techniques more consistently and you take action towards your goals you will write for yourself a new life script. You will start feeling more in control, less stressed and able to handle your day to day challenges with a greater level of clarity and awareness.

You will experience positive change in your life which will give you further motivation and empowerment to continue along your journey on the road to fulfilment.

To your success and fulfilment!

I’d love to explore working with you.