David Balshaw

Self reflection is a powerful skill worth mastering

I’m not sure where I first heard it, but there’s a saying that I think is really true.

“How you do one thing is how you do everything.”

If you take some time to reflect, you might be able to recognise some patterns in your work that mirror other areas of your life and vice versa.

If you are disorganised at work, are you disorganised at home? If you are hard on yourself, are you hard on others? If you get excited about a goal, then lose momentum, where else does this happen?

The reality is we can make positive changes in our lives to live more authentically, but we have to recognise the patterns so we can start the process.

Self reflection is a powerful skill worth mastering.

I recommend you take some time to look at the areas of your life and how you are showing up.

3 questions to ask yourself as you go about this week.

Where in my life am I letting my standards slip?

If I am true to my purpose, what would I do differently?

Who do I need to be to make it happen?

2 lessons from history to help you on your way.

How would the world look if JFK hadn’t committed America to the goal to put a man on the moon?

Where would international travel be if the Wright Brothers had have chosen to work on their ideas half heartedly?

1 way you can raise your level of performance this week.

Commit to showing up fully, in all areas of your life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope it helped you to stay focused on your purpose, get clear on your priorities and challenge your actions.

Until next time, remember, the best way to predict the future is to create it.

Take care,


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