David Balshaw

Just Be You

In a world where everyone is trying to sell you something to make you look and feel different to who you are right now, it’s hard to see the value in being yourself.

The problem is, it’s harder to be anyone else but yourself. LEt’s put that another way… it’s so much easier to be yourself than anyone else in the world. The trouble is that many people hide their real authentic self because of the stories and beliefs that they hold onto, the fears and insecurities that they have.

The paradox is that the stories they tell themselves about why they can’t be themselves, sometimes are the exact stories that make them human and that help make the connection with others. The reality is we are all human, with flaws and faults and when you show up as authentically you, people see you as human and relate to you and your stories and challenges.

When you are unapologetically you and you share your story with others, in business and in life, you will attract more people who are in alignment with your values, beliefs and what you stand for.

People have to trust you before they buy from you, so why would you be anyone else but yourself.

The more you embrace “being yourself” and the more you that you become, and the more willing you are to share that with the world, the more successful you will become.

All the strategy in the world won;’t matter if you’re not congruent with your deepest desires and values.

When you can show up as YOU – the Real YOU – with all your secrets and shames and guilts and fears you’ll realise that there’s nothing new under the sun.. What’s most personal is most general and story matters, and if you can tell your story and be authentic people can relate and feel connected.

In business, being yourself separates you from your competition. There’s a million other coaches, consultants, leaders out there all doing the same things but being yourself and sharing your story will help you to stand out from the crowd.

When you align your business and life with you you really are (at a deeper level) you will find it’s easier to be congruent and to live in harmony with life. You will not need to fight yourself anymore, or the vision of yourself. Because you are unapologetically you, you will attract those who are in alignment with you and your values and what you stand for.

Beyond business knowledge, practical tactics and strategies, your thinking and actions will account for a huge part of your success, so when you choose to act in alignment with YOU, you don;t need to hold onto old beliefs and stories. This allows creativity and flow and allows you to create something unique, which is your business. Because of you.

I’d love to explore working with you.