David Balshaw

Are you in or out of alignment?

Are you in or out of alignment?

Henry David Thoreau is often quoted as saying “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation”.

What he’s saying here is that people look to external things to fill a void that can’t be filled by their current circumstances, job, money etc.

People spend money on material things to try to make them happy. They continue to work in the jobs that they don’t like because they feel that’s what they have to do, ironically because they need money to pay for the things they buy to try to make themselves happy!

It becomes a self perpetuating cycle and keeps them trapped in their circumstances, never really living out their hopes and dreams.

This is backwards thinking.

Yet, at the end of the day most people live their life hoping and wishing that things would be different but they never do anything about it.

So I ask you again, are YOU in or out of alignment?

I want you to stop and really consider that question.

Do you know what you want?

Are your actions aligned with what you want to do or who you want to be? Or are you living life resigned to your circumstances and operating in what feels like survival mode?

If so, stop and consider what it’s costing you to continue to operate from your old patterns of behaviour. Where do you think you’ll be in 1,5,10 or even 20 years?

Now before you say “I don’t have enough time, money or energy to do what I really want to do”, you’re going to want to really concentrate on my next point.

Any time you say you don’t have enough time, money or energy, you’re living from circumstance, and when you live from circumstance you perpetuate the circumstance that you’re living from.

So… how do you stop living from circumstance? How do you stop living in desperation?

Take some time to really consider what it is that you actually want to do with your life, or business, or both.

If you knew with certainty that you could create anything in your life, what would it be?

And don’t just take a few minutes. If I told you that this one action could radically transform your life, how much time and attention would you give yourself?

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably spent more time deciding what to watch on Netflix, or what to buy on Amazon, than you have about what you really want to do with your life.

So take some time to think about your vision and then align your actions with that vision. But make sure you create a vision that is true to you.

Because when you work from vision, rather than resignation, anything is possible.

If you want to learn more about how to work from vision, and how living in alignment brings you greater levels of abundance and prosperity, you might want to listen to my new podcast, Align Your Business.

As Carl Jung said

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakes.”

I’d love to explore working with you.