David Balshaw

Progress Not Perfection

“There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still” – Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In our lives, we get wrapped up in the constant push for perfection. Aiming to write the perfect proposal, prepare the perfect presentation, sign off on the perfect report. Is this our way of getting our foot on the next rung of the corporate ladder?

And what about in our personal lives? Are we so used to a results-driven, podium dominated society that we’re setting unachievable expectations for ourselves?

The trouble with unachievable expectations or striving for perfection is that when we fall short, we suffer.

Do we suffer because we fail to reach our own expectations of perfection? Or do we suffer because we fail to reach the expectations we perceive to be placed on us by society, our friends, our colleagues, our boss or our organisation?

And how does this suffering affect our next project, our next goal, our next dream? Do we try too hard to reach perfection rather than allowing ourselves progress and instead, give up at the first sign of a struggle?

William James said,

“Little by little we build our power.”

How often are we stuck because we are waiting for the perfect time, the perfect situation, the perfect idea…?

What if instead of reaching for perfection, why not just get started and see where momentum takes you?

Progress leads to more progress which allows iteration and improvement, it allows real lessons that lead to real change.

Perfection just leads to anxiety… and broken dreams…

Remember, “You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great”.

I’d love to explore working with you.