David Balshaw

Elevate Your Life

“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavour.” – Henry David Thoreau

It is true that by building healthy habits and putting in place small changes to build a positive mindset and a success mindset we have power and ability to elevate our lives by self-awareness. Conscious recognition of the things that we are doing in our life. The actions that we are taking in our life. The people we are speaking with, and hanging around with. All the activities we are engaged with.
Having that self-awareness and understanding that perhaps those actions aren’t taking us forward. And making a conscious effort to elevate our lives, build success and create freedom by implementing these changes.

These changes don’t have to big. Start small.

If I go back a few years, I was in a pretty dark place where I was suffering from anxiety and depression. I was running my own consulting business but looking to step back into more of a full-time role for security with the impending birth of my first child and I got into a state of deep depression and one of the ways I got out of it was through a simple step.

I discovered a meditation app from the app store – it is called Calm. It really was a simple as this. Listening to some guided meditation over and over and over each day. It was only 5 or 10 minutes at a time but it built into me being able to recognise where I was, the mindset that I had and essentially delivering me out of a place of depression and anxiety and to be able to move forward and to implement some more healthy habits into my life and I started to exercise more and I started to work on self-development and self-awareness. If I look back over the last 4 years or so it has led to significant changes in my life but really just from a very very small action at the time.

Epictetus said:

“Freedom is secured not by the fulfilling of one’s desires, but by the removal of desire. No man is free who is not master of himself.”

In this, Epictetus talks about self-awareness and understanding. Understanding ourselves and recognising what it is that we are doing, what it is that our purpose is, what it is that we are aiming to achieve. Having this understanding and mastering ourself – this ‘personal mastery’. It is not until we get that personal mastery can we be free.

If you would like to talk about how to set about achieving personal mastery, more self-awareness, understanding and build a better life through better actions, better habits, through a process of change that includes proven success strategies from myself and others that have built better lives through change let me know.

It’s so important that we do what we can to build a better world for all of us to live in. And the more people who are passionate about what they do, about helping others, interacting with others and living a life of purpose and fulfilment it will make the world a better place…


I’d love to explore working with you.