David Balshaw

High Performance Habits

“In today’s competitive business environment, organisations have downsized, rightsized and reduced headcount to survive. Organisations need to do more than just survive, they need to thrive and compete. Developing their people is key to this success”. N. Barnett.

The importance of developing people.

In his book – The 7 Business Habits That Drive High Performance, Nicholas Barnett whacks culture right in the face as he talks about the importance of developing people.

I couldn’t agree more. When you focus your effort on building individual capability through identifying and developing the right people, those that will work with you not against you, you can start to build the right habits.  Embedding those habits, whilst not easy, will ultimately prove profitable as your team becomes more and more galvanised around your core vision, objectives and goals.

Vision, Objectives, Goals

What if you don’t have a vision, or objectives, or even goals?   Create some… fast… how will your employees know what they’re working towards? How will they know how to talk about what you do? How will they connect what they do with why they do it?  Is it no wonder your team is lacking purpose? But a caution… don’t just create one and tell everyone what it is… how do you think that will be received?
Try engaging everyone in the process.

What is it that everyone is inspired by? What is it that will drive your employees to show up day after day and do their best because they want to?
What is it that will drive your leaders to set an example to their teams on how to think, speak and act in a way that promotes a positive image of your organisation?

High-performing vs low-performing organisations

Again, from Barnett’s research… The single biggest differentiator between high-performance and low-performance organisations is the extent to which their employees perceive the senior leadership team has a vision for their organisation that inspires them.

Here’s my Vision for 2020.

“Help business leaders create 20/20 vision for their teams so they can become more powerful, more purposeful and more productive”. 

The benefit? A workplace that is inspired, more positive, and ultimately more profitable.

Reach out today to find out how you can book me to deliver a free introductory talk on how your team can beat procrastination to become more focused, more productive and build high-performance habits into your organisation.

What would 2020 look like if you had, as Jim Collins puts it, “everyone on the bus”.

I’d love to explore working with you.