David Balshaw

Your avatar is you

If you’re in business, entrepreneurship or leadership and you’re stuck or confused about who is your ideal client, you’ve probably heard the marketing gurus say you need to define your avatar.

They say write down everything you know about this fantasy person. Their age, habits, traits, gender, location, etc…

This is all well and good, for some but there is an easier way.

Your avatar is you.

You in a former state.

Who better to understand the frustrations, pain and suffering in your business than you.

Here’s what I’ve learned over the past 5 years regarding human behaviour.

What’s most personal is most general.

Whatever you’ve gone through, there’s a very high chance that other people (many other people) have gone through it too.

When I really understood this, it gave me so much clarity.

When I moved into goal setting and productivity coaching thought I’m sure I could find my avatar here, but I ended up focusing a lot on mind management and emotional management, which is what a lot of people were wanting. Guess what?

That is exactly what I was going through myself.

Then when I really understood that Your Avatar Is You it gave me so much clarity.

You see I realised, the whole time I’d been in business, I’d been trying to ‘find’ what I thought was the right business idea, yet I was out of alignment with my fundamental beliefs, values and purpose. I’d tried so many things but always felt out of alignment.

Of course, I knew this was happening to others… I understood the pain and frustration of others… and when I got clear on how I was able to shift my thinking, change my actions and step into authenticity and alignment then my current iteration was born.

I realised that my entire journey had led me through a process of aligning my values and vision with my actions and I knew I could help others do the same.

And here’s the thing about business, particularly coaching and consulting… you really only need to be one step ahead of your client. So don’t think about how you are going to change the world.

Think about how you can take your client from their current situation to their desired situation. From point A to point B.
And if that process is something that you’ve been through, it makes the work that much easier.

You see, when you focus on Your Avatar As You, in a previous time or state, you know the pain, the frustration, the struggle… and you know the solution…

So think about all the ways you have been in pain and suffering in your business and think about how you felt and think about what you couldn’t do because you were stuck. Think about how your solution changes things for your client. How do they feel now?

When you get clear on how your product or service or coaching or consulting makes people feel, you have much more clarity on what your messaging looks like and then you can attract the right clients to your business.

I’d love to explore working with you.