David Balshaw

What people think of you is none of your business

How often do you let what other people think of you, or what you think other people think of you, influence your actions?

Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman emperor and philosopher said, “the happiness of your life, depends on the quality of your thoughts”.

The truth is, the only thing that matters is what you think about yourself.

What others do are just projections of their reality, it has nothing to do with you. Everyone’s opinion and thoughts about you are based entirely on their past experiences and their reality.

Rather than blindly accepting false beliefs, it’s better to introspect on the words and actions of others. In other words, don’t hold onto assumptions that you don’t know are true.

How many times have you been wrong about something or someone because you have made assumptions about them.

Just be true to who you are because if you go around believing what other people think of you, you’ll actually make it true because our thoughts become our reality.

Hopefully you understand how critical it is to control the most powerful tool we have, our mind. Because all the tactics, all the doing, all the hustling won’t change a thing if you haven’t got things right on the inside.

No amount of external transformation is going to change the way you feel on the inside. Transformation starts from the inside out.

Of course it’s easier said than done, but it’s worth it in the end.

In his book The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz introduces the second agreement, don’t take anything personally. Okay, I’m sure you’re starting to get the picture, but how do you not take anything personally?

Be crystal clear about what you want to create in your life and your business. Then Align Your plans, with Your actions, Your values, Your mission.

Stay true to you and who you are, block out all the noise, from others, from the voice in your head and tune into your heart, your sense, your inner wisdom and find your inner guidance system, then BE in alignment with that inner guidance..

Ask yourself, is it more important to focus on what other people think of me, or is it more important to focus on how I can help others and how I can create a positive impact in the world?

I’m confident you know the answer to that question if you really want to show up authentically and become the impactful leader you want to.

I’d love to explore working with you.