David Balshaw

Be clear why you’re here

Without purpose as your compass, your goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill you.

We see this in the corporate world as more and more people are waking up to discover that all they were ever working for is leaving them feeling empty because they weren’t clear on what they really wanted to do.

When you have a why that is deeply connected to your values then things align more easily and your actions come from a place of clarity.

Simon Sinek has spoken at length about “The Golden Circle” and that people don’t buy what you do, and don’t necessarily care about how you do it, but they care about Why you do what you do.

When you are clear on your Why, and you align your actions and messages accordingly, you build greater connections and positive relationships with your peers, colleagues and customers.

So, how do you ‘find’ your why? Firstly, stop overthinking it.

The ancient masters have taught for thousands of years that getting quiet and tuning in to your inner wisdom, your divine guidance system, brings answers to your deeper questions.

So take some time to sit in silence and ponder the questions:
What are my unique qualities?
What brings me joy?
What ways do I enjoy expressing my unique qualities?
If we were living in a perfect world, how would people be interacting with others?
How can you take your unique qualities and ways of expressing them and help create that perfect world.

From the answers to these questions you’ll be able to craft a statement that helps you to stay motivated, and to stay on track when things get tough.
Here’s mine as an example:

“My purpose is to use my enthusiasm and leadership to educate and inspire others to use their unique talents to create expansion for others.”

A word of warning. It doesn’t have to be perfect, nor does it need to be something that is set in stone. Just start with something, because something leads to something and you can always change it.

You choose how you want your vision to unfold.

The two most important days are the day you were born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain.

I’d love to explore working with you.