David Balshaw

Articles on Personal Mastery, Leadership and Human Performance

Freedom, Thoughts, Actions

Epictetus the Greek Stoic Philosopher wrote: "Freedom and happiness come from understanding - and working within - our limits. Begin at once a program of self-mastery. Stick with your purpose. Do not seek external approval. Do not worry about anything outside of your...

Success is like compound interest

A Powerful Force. I encourage you to be kind to yourself in the pursuit of your goals. It is critical to remind you that change is hard and that resistance to change is a powerful force that can prevent us from achieving our dreams. I also urge you to break out of the...

Progress Not Perfection

"There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still" - Franklin D. Roosevelt. In our lives, we get wrapped up in the constant push for perfection. Aiming to write the perfect proposal, prepare the perfect presentation, sign off on the perfect...

Elevate Your Life

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavour.” - Henry David Thoreau It is true that by building healthy habits and putting in place small changes to build a positive mindset and a success...

High Performance Habits

"In today’s competitive business environment, organisations have downsized, rightsized and reduced headcount to survive. Organisations need to do more than just survive, they need to thrive and compete. Developing their people is key to this success”. N. Barnett. The...

I lead change by sharing new ideas, pushing people beyond their comfort level and empowering them to do things in new and better ways. 

I’d love to explore any opportunities to work with you.

Call: +61 408 532 305

Email: hello(at)davidbalshaw.com