David Balshaw

Articles on Personal Mastery, Leadership and Human Performance

What happens when we don’t get enough sleep?

What happens when we don’t get enough sleep?

Everything from productivity to life fulfillment is improved with sleep, so why do we not prioritize sleep more? Sleep is the foundation to peak performance, and a life lived with clarity, energy and enthusiasm. My aim with this post is to get you thinking about...

How To Free Yourself From The Fear of Rejection

How To Free Yourself From The Fear of Rejection

We are born with only two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. So what's with all these fears we pick up along the way? Think about it. How many fears do you have now? Fear of talking to that person about that thing? Fear of starting a new venture?...

The Be, Do, Have Model Explained

The Be, Do, Have Model Explained

Have you noticed that the more you do and strive and try, the harder it seems to be to get anywhere in life? This is where the Be, Do, Have model comes in! Using this method can instantly change the way you operate, how you feel about your life, and ultimately it can...

What is Mental Mastery?

What is Mental Mastery?

What is Mental Mastery You may have heard the phrase “master your mind” or “change your mindset”. In this post I am going to explain what Mental Mastery is and how it can help you.. Mental Mastery - or being able to master the mental faculty of your mind is about...

What does it mean to live life by design?

What does it mean to live life by design?

What is Life Design?  Design conjures up an idea of some intentionality, of consciously placing your attention on something that you want to create.  Just like you wouldn't build a house without plans, why build a life without some conscious thought as to how you want...

Tips for Improving Your Memory

Tips for Improving Your Memory

Tips For Improving Your Memory Even if you think you have a good memory today, it’s one of those things that if you don’t put it to use, it does stop working. We are very dependent on our devices now to the point that most of us cannot remember our own phone numbers,...

Tips for staying focused during difficult times

Tips for staying focused during difficult times

Tips for staying focused during difficult times. Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes the difficulty is personal in nature, and sometimes it's environmental. Divorces, deaths and many things happen in life, including storms, illness and more that we have no...

Benefits of Practicing Gratitude Daily

Benefits of Practicing Gratitude Daily

Finding ways to practice gratitude each day is a lot more beneficial to you than you may realise. It’s not just about writing down a few things you’re grateful for each day, it’s much deeper than that, and the benefits show the impact daily gratitude has on your life....

Stop Sweating The Small Stuff

Stop Sweating The Small Stuff

How To Stop Sweating The Small Stuff And Get More Done It’s so easy to allow the little details to get in the way of productivity. We all do it sometimes. We focus on some minutia instead of the big picture and get bogged down. We like being in control of things and...

5 Tips To Improve Focus And Get The Important Things Done

5 Tips To Improve Focus And Get The Important Things Done

5 Tips To Improve Focus and Get The Important Things Done 𝟭. 𝗜𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗳𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁. Take some time at the start of the day to identify the 1 thing that is most important. Ask yourself if you can only get 1 thing done, what would it be. Start with that. If you get...

Do you have an internal locus of control?

Do you have an internal locus of control?

There's a great book by Shawn Achor titled The Happiness Advantage. An insight from a Harvard researcher about happiness and how happiness fuels success, not the other way around. There's a section of the book where he discusses control and how feeling that we are in...

Self reflection is a powerful skill worth mastering

I'm not sure where I first heard it, but there's a saying that I think is really true. "How you do one thing is how you do everything." If you take some time to reflect, you might be able to recognise some patterns in your work that mirror other areas of your life and...

I lead change by sharing new ideas, pushing people beyond their comfort level and empowering them to do things in new and better ways. 

I’d love to explore any opportunities to work with you.

Call: +61 408 532 305

Email: hello(at)davidbalshaw.com