David Balshaw

Articles on Personal Mastery, Leadership and Human Performance

Why we need a new era of leadership

We have a leadership crisis in the world today. Leadership still remains the no.1 talent issue facing organisations around the world. According to the Deloitte Human Capital Survey, companies frequently say they want to strengthen their leadership pipeline yet...

Master Thought Formula

How often do you let your thoughts control you? Do you get stressed, anxious, fearful, frustrated or even angry, which turns into a downward negative spiral of thoughts and emotions? If you’re like most people you can probably relate. That’s why I wanted to share...

Just Be You

In a world where everyone is trying to sell you something to make you look and feel different to who you are right now, it’s hard to see the value in being yourself. The problem is, it’s harder to be anyone else but yourself. LEt’s put that another way… it’s so much...

Your avatar is you

If you’re in business, entrepreneurship or leadership and you’re stuck or confused about who is your ideal client, you’ve probably heard the marketing gurus say you need to define your avatar. They say write down everything you know about this fantasy person. Their...

How to do a days work in 2 hours

Working harder does not equal better results. Period. You might think it does but it doesn’t. Don’t let the illusion of effort fool you into thinking that your actually getting more stuff done, when that more stuff is likely to be of less quality. You’ve probably...

What people think of you is none of your business

How often do you let what other people think of you, or what you think other people think of you, influence your actions? Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman emperor and philosopher said, “the happiness of your life, depends on the quality of your thoughts”. The truth...

Awareness is the greatest agent for change

Eckhart Tolle said “Awareness is the greatest agent for change”. What you can’t see keeps you trapped. We often get trapped in a box based on our interpretations, expectations and models of reality. In truth though, you are never really stuck. You just think you are....

Be clear why you’re here

Without purpose as your compass, your goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill you. We see this in the corporate world as more and more people are waking up to discover that all they were ever working for is leaving them feeling empty because they weren’t...

Without vision we succumb to average

Do you have vision? Vision is often talked about but people pay it little attention. Why? Because they don’t have any vision. Because deep down they’ve been conditioned to believe they can’t have what they want in life. Societal conditioning breeds self limiting...

What are you attracting into your life?

Albert Einstein said “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Quantum science now proves what ancient...

Are you in or out of alignment?

Are you in or out of alignment? Henry David Thoreau is often quoted as saying “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation”. What he’s saying here is that people look to external things to fill a void that can’t...

I lead change by sharing new ideas, pushing people beyond their comfort level and empowering them to do things in new and better ways. 

I’d love to explore any opportunities to work with you.

Call: +61 408 532 305

Email: hello(at)davidbalshaw.com