David Balshaw

Leadership is a choice, not a rank

The greatest power we have as humans is the power of choice. Ponder that thought. We are powerful beings, yet the greatest power is our power to choose. The power of conscious choice. In each moment, in each situation, you have the ability to choose. Many of us don’t...

Why leadership is not the same as management

"Only three things happen naturally in organisations: Friction, confusion and underperformance; everything else requires leadership." - Peter Drucker Whether it’s a truism or merely tongue in cheek, there’s definitely merit in the statement. You don’t have to look...

Why business needs a different kind of person

Leadership is much less about what you do and much more about who you are. This can be a hard concept for many people to grasp since most people’s experience of business, work and life comes from unconscious family and societal conditioning. For most people, we have...

Why we need a new era of leadership

We have a leadership crisis in the world today. Leadership still remains the no.1 talent issue facing organisations around the world. According to the Deloitte Human Capital Survey, companies frequently say they want to strengthen their leadership pipeline yet...