David Balshaw


What makes a Quantum Leader

We are entering a world where global consciousness is awakening, where people are looking for a greater sense of meaning and connection. Traditional leadership models do not provide the framework required to lead people through this time of change. These Newtonian...

Just Be You

In a world where everyone is trying to sell you something to make you look and feel different to who you are right now, it’s hard to see the value in being yourself. The problem is, it’s harder to be anyone else but yourself. LEt’s put that another way… it’s so much...

Your avatar is you

If you’re in business, entrepreneurship or leadership and you’re stuck or confused about who is your ideal client, you’ve probably heard the marketing gurus say you need to define your avatar. They say write down everything you know about this fantasy person. Their...

Be clear why you’re here

Without purpose as your compass, your goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill you. We see this in the corporate world as more and more people are waking up to discover that all they were ever working for is leaving them feeling empty because they weren’t...

Without vision we succumb to average

Do you have vision? Vision is often talked about but people pay it little attention. Why? Because they don’t have any vision. Because deep down they’ve been conditioned to believe they can’t have what they want in life. Societal conditioning breeds self limiting...

Are you in or out of alignment?

Are you in or out of alignment? Henry David Thoreau is often quoted as saying “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation”. What he’s saying here is that people look to external things to fill a void that can’t...

The Be, Do, Have Model Explained

The Be, Do, Have Model Explained

Have you noticed that the more you do and strive and try, the harder it seems to be to get anywhere in life? This is where the Be, Do, Have model comes in! Using this method can instantly change the way you operate, how you feel about your life, and ultimately it can...

What does it mean to live life by design?

What does it mean to live life by design?

What is Life Design?  Design conjures up an idea of some intentionality, of consciously placing your attention on something that you want to create.  Just like you wouldn't build a house without plans, why build a life without some conscious thought as to how you want...

Self reflection is a powerful skill worth mastering

I'm not sure where I first heard it, but there's a saying that I think is really true. "How you do one thing is how you do everything." If you take some time to reflect, you might be able to recognise some patterns in your work that mirror other areas of your life and...

Freedom, Thoughts, Actions

Epictetus the Greek Stoic Philosopher wrote: "Freedom and happiness come from understanding - and working within - our limits. Begin at once a program of self-mastery. Stick with your purpose. Do not seek external approval. Do not worry about anything outside of your...

Success is like compound interest

A Powerful Force. I encourage you to be kind to yourself in the pursuit of your goals. It is critical to remind you that change is hard and that resistance to change is a powerful force that can prevent us from achieving our dreams. I also urge you to break out of the...

Elevate Your Life

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavour.” - Henry David Thoreau It is true that by building healthy habits and putting in place small changes to build a positive mindset and a success...